Updates Archive
June 21, 2014
Well, first off, a Happy Belated Birthday to Buck-Tick's guitarist, Hoshino Hidehiko!
Secondly, today's update. There is some important new information concerning Fish Tank that current and future members should be aware of. You should take a look at it HERE.
June 3, 2014
Times got busy and since we missed the entire month of May, we're bringing you a slightly meatier update.
* In anticipation of the album that comes out tomorrow (!), Buck-Tick's newest single, Keijijou ryuusei which you can read HERE.
* And from Fish Tank 69, Yagami Toll's corner to be found HERE.Enjoy the read!
April 26, 2014
We're adding the fifth and last of the main member interviews from Fish Tank 69; Imai Hisashi's. You can read it HERE!
In light of the upcoming B-T tour, we'd like to point everyone to this FT warning concerning ticket resale: A Request To Everyone. Please be careful!
April 12, 2014
Hi! We've just added two interviews from Fish Tank 69, Toll and Yuuta's, both of them HERE.
Enjoy the read!
March 27, 2014
Spring Greetings! We've just added Yagami Toll's (hilarious) interview from Fish Tank 68. Come read it HERE!
March 7, 2014
Happy Birthday to Sakurai Atsushi! We send all our best wishes for a wonderful year!
To celebrate, we've added Sakurai's hilariously funny interview from Fish Tank 69, which you can read HERE.
Now, on a less pleasant note. On April 1st, 2014, the Japanese consumption tax will be going up from 5% to 8% and naturally, Fish Tank fees will follow. It is important that you read the information provided HERE, especially those of you who are in your renewal period.
February 23, 2014
Hi. Hoshino Hidehiko's interview from Fish Tank 69 is up! You can find it HERE.
Enjoy the read!
February 6, 2014
We just added excerpts from Imai Hisashi's latest interview in Ongaku to hito in which he talks about his concept for Buck-Tick's next album! You can read it HERE.
Both Lola and I regularly revise our translations. If you use our them to sub videos, or if you're simply curious, we've created a list of recently revised songs HERE (it's also linked at the bottom of this page). The list goes back two years, since that is about the time we started dating our lyric translations, and is comprised exclusively of old songs that have been revised. Meaning, you won't find new translations on that list. We'll be keep it up to date at all times.
January 23, 2014
We're a day early, but since it's already the 24th in Japan, a Happy Birthday to Higuchi Yutaka! May he have an amazing year!
We've also added the translation of BT's newest single, LOVE PARADE/STEPPERS -PARADE-. You can read the lyrics HERE.
January 9, 2014
Hello. Sakurai Atsushi's interview from Fish Tank 68 just went up! You can read it HERE.
December 23, 2013
Hi! We've just added Yuuta's interview from Fish Tank 68, which you can read it HERE.
We would also like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, or simply a wonderful time. Have fun, and we'll see you in the new year!
December 13, 2013
Something tells me it just might be somebody's birthday today! So to celebrate...how about a bit of hide's all night Nipon R? It's short but worth a read, HERE!
If you like hide, we have quite a few of his interview excerpts on the Nopperabou tumblr, under the 'hide' tag: http://nopperabounet.tumblr.com/tagged/hide. Come check them out!
December 2, 2013
Hi! A double update today. First, a hilarious and spacey post from Imai's blog, available for you to read HERE.
And next, we added the lyrics to seven songs written by the great Kiyoshiro Imawano. If you haven't listened to his music yet, we highly recommend that you do! He has inspired muscians for decades, Imai among them! You can check his songs out HERE.
Enjoy the read!
November 12, 2013
We're updating tonight with a chapter from Hiroshi Matsumoto's Kyoudai. Read it HERE!
October 30, 2013
Hi! We've just added Hoshino Hidehiko's interview from Fish Tank 68. You can read it HERE. Enjoy!
October 13, 2013
Hello. We've just finished updating the Fish Tank Overseas section.
We added a list of useful information for those of you who want to join Fish Tank, as well as a link to a 'how to join' tutorial on Facebook, HERE.
We also updated the FISH TANK WEB FAQ page, and added a link to a membership renewal tutorial, HERE.We hope you'll find the new information helpful!
October 7, 2013
Hi! We've just added Imai Hisashi's interview from Fish Tank 68. You can read it HERE.
September 22, 2013
We've added a short but hopefully enlightening chapter of Kyoudai. You can read it HERE!
September 7, 2013
Hi. We've just added the interview from Fish Tank 67, featuring all five members of Buck-Tick! You can read it HERE.
This issue was also the last one to feature Rumi Ikeda as Fish Tank interviewer and editor. She has retired as the head of Fish Tank after 16 years in order to focus on her growing family.
We wish her all of our best and will miss her presence greatly!
August 26, 2013
Hello. The site has been updated with an entry from Imai Hisashi's blog. It's both cute and funny, and you can read it HERE!
July 25, 2013
Hi! We've just added Toll's Tarot reading from last year's Fish Tank 63. You can read it HERE! We also added all five interview excerpts from FT66. They were posted on our tumblr a while ago, but now you can read them here in the Fish Tank section as well.
July 11, 2013
If you're a new Fish Tank member and are having trouble logging into the Buck-Tick web shop to order the newest FT-only DVD, please see the information posted HERE.
July 5, 2013
Hi! Just wanted to let you know that the information in FT Overseas has been updated. We've added Fish Tank's new phone number, as well as new submission guidelines for Uta's corner. You can check the changes out HERE.
Also, if you scroll down a bit you will see a message concerning BT and social network accounts, translated from the most recent Fish Tank 68.
June 14, 2013
Hello! We've added an excerpt from hide's 1998 radio show, All Night Nippon R, in which he talks about his English skills, his sense of nationalism and the story behind 'fat free'. Come read it HERE!
If you're looking for translation tidbits, we post regularly on our tumblr, nopperabounet.tumblr.com. We just recently added an except from Sakurai Atsushi's Fish Tank 66 interview, among others!
May 22, 2013
Hi! We've just added a new section for Michiro Endo, frontman of The Stalin. So far featuring ten songs and an interview from Doll magazine dating back to 1982.
You'll find it all HERE. Enjoy the read! -
May 3, 2013
Hello. A new chapter of Hiroshi Matsumoto's book, Kyoudai, is up. Come read it HERE! -
April 16, 2013
We've just added Imai Hisashi's corner from Fish Tank 65, featuring Yokoyama. You can read it HERE!
March 30, 2013
Hi, w_b here. I would like to clarify the situation concerning the vandalism of hide's grave. I realize it has been a month since the official announcement but I am still seeing quite a bit of confusion on the matter, mostly due to mis-information.
To make it clear: hide's grave was never closed to the public. It will remain open as long as people adhere to the rules of conduct as outlined by Headwax in their message.
I have written to JaME among others and they have rectified their articles. If you would like to know more, please read the English translation of Headwax's official message. I would greatly appreciate it if everyone could spread the correct message.
Bonjour, ici w_b. J'aimerais clarifier la situation concernant la tombe de hide. Bien qu'il y a un mois déjà que l'annonce officielle à été publiée sur hide-city.com, il me semble que plusieures personnes se trouvent toujours désinformées.
Pour clarifier: la tombe de hide n'a jamais été fermée et ne le sera pas tans que les visiteurs respecteront les règles de conduite du cimetière.
J'ai contacté JaME ainsi que certains autres sites pour qu'ils puissent réctifier leur articles. Pour plus d'information, s'il vous plaît veuillez lire la traduction française du message officiel.
Now that you've read the announcement, it's time for translation! A new chapter of Hiroshi Matsumoto's Kyoudai, uploaded HERE for your reading pleasure. -
March 6, 2013
Since it's already the 7th in Japan, we would like to wish a happiest birthday to Buck-Tick's Sakurai Atsushi! May he have a wonderful year with all of his dreams come true!
We've updated with the song Masquerade, a Sakurai and Issay duet with the lyrics written by Issay. You can read it in the side projects section, HERE.
We've also added interview excerpts from Fish Tank 65. You might have already seen them if you visit our tumblr, but we thought we should add them to the FT page here as well. They're right HERE. Happy reading! -
February 28, 2013
Hello. We've just added another chapter from Hiroshi Matsumoto's book, Kyoudai. You can read it in the hide section, HERE!
February 10, 2013
Hi! We've just added Imai Hisashi's interview from Fish Tank 64. You can read it HERE!
January 23, 2013
Since it's already the 24th in Japan, a Happiest Birthday to Buck-Tick's bassist, Higuchi Yutaka! We send him our warmest wishes.
We're celebrationg with his interview from Fish Tank 64 which you can read HERE!
January 16, 2013
Hi! We're updating today with the Tarot reading from Fish Tank 64: Imai Hisashi and Yokoyama Kazutoshi. Read it HERE!
December 28, 2012
Hello! Since this will be our last update of 2012, we'd like to wish everyone a Happy New Year. May the coming year bring you nothing but the best!
Today we're updating with a rather sad chapter from Hiroshi Matsumoto's Kyoudai. You can read it in the hide section, HERE.
We've also created a tumblr: nopperabounet.tumblr.com. For posting about site updates, but perhaps also for translation snippets too short to be put on the site, or to let you know when a song or two have been reworked.
And because it looks fun. :)Once again, a very Happy New Year to everyone!
~Lola & w_b
- December 14, 2012
Hi everyone! We're updating with Hoshino Hidehiko's interview from Fish Tank 64! You can read it HERE. Enjoy!
- November 24, 2012
Sometimes, you never fully realize how much a complete stranger, a person you have never met can become a source of joy in your life...
Above all, your kindness stood out to us and for that we thank you.
For never failing in making us smile with your enthusiasm and positivity, Cindy, you will never be forgotten.
And you have our love, always.
~Lola & w_bDedicated to Cindy, with love:
[Yumemiru Uchuu] Translation - November 4, 2012
Subscription to the email newsletter FISH TANK MAIL is now done through FISH TANK WEB. We have updated Fish Tank Overseas with a new walkthrough and screencaps right HERE.
- October 21, 2012
First of all, a very happy birthday to Buck-Tick's Imai Hisashi! May it be filled with fun, friends and music!
We're also updating with Sakurai Atsushi's Fish Tank 64 interview, which you can read HERE!
- October 7, 2012
Just a small update: we've added the translation of hide's HURRY GO ROUND, from his album Ja zoo. You can read it HERE!
- September 20, 2012
Hi! We've just added Hide and Uta's interviews from Fish Tank 63 - you can take a peek at them HERE.
The lyrics to Sakurai and Imai's side project Schwein have been completely redone. Schweinstein has been updated HERE for your reading pleasure!
- August 20, 2012
Oh man, where did yesterday go?! The birthday wishes will have to be slightly belated - but that's alright, it just means the celebration can go on one more day, doesn't it?
And so, we want to wish the Happiest (belated) Birthday to Buck-Tick's amazing drummer, Yagami Toll. Happy 50th birthday and we wish you a hundred more!
To celebrate, we've added three Toll interviews: his interview from FT 64 and his interview and corner from FT 63. Happy reading guys! You'll find it all right HERE!
- July 31, 2012
Hi! We've just added Imai Hisashi's interview and corner from Fish Tank 63. You can read both interviews HERE!
- July 11, 2012
We've added a translation of the BUCK-TICK Test from Fish Tank 64. Come test your knowledge of the band along with the BT members themselves! You'll find it all HERE!
- July 6, 2012
Hi! The translation of Buck-Tick's newest single, MISS TAKE - Boku ha Miss·Take- is now up. You can read it HERE to finally find out the reason behind the title!
- July 2, 2012
A mini update this time. We've belatedly added messages from the BT members for the On Parade 2012 tour, as well as a message from the official homepage concerning the sale of Imai's charity goods. Both messages are accessible from the News section further down this page, or HERE and HERE.
- June 25, 2012
Hi~! We've added the translation of Sakurai Atsushi's interview from Fish Tank 63. You can read it HERE!
A tiny note regarding Fish Tank Web and membership renewals: starting June first, everyone will be automatically notified by email when it is time for them to renew. No need to sign up for the notification service - the email will be sent automatically to the email address you registered.
- June 1, 2012
Hello. We've just added the translation of the Elise no tame ni single! You can read it HERE.
- May 28, 2012
Hi everyone! We've just added a Fish Tank Web FAQ: it covers issues with logging in, contacting Fish Tank staff, membership renewal and cancellation, editing your personal information and a few other tidbits. We're also working on a more detailed membership renewal walk through and an information page for those who want to join Fish Tank.
In the meantime, you'll find the FAQ HERE in the FT Overseas section. We hope you'll find it helpful!
- May 7, 2012
FISH TANK WEB has officially opened!
All of the information in FT Overseas that is no longer valid has been taken down. We'll have walkthroughs for the new site prepared as soon as we can! :)
- April 28, 2012
Hi everyone! First, it's been announced a few days ago that FISH TANK WEB, the website for current and future Fish Tankers will open on May 7, 2012!
We've also added a small update: Imai Hisashi's corner from Fish Tank 62. An interview featuring Imai and Buck-Tick's manipulator, Yokoyama Kazutoshi. You can read the interview HERE.
Thank you everyone for visiting the site! :)
- April 6, 2012
Just a quick note to say that the poetry that came with hide's 1992 photobook, Mugongeki, has been edited. You can read the new version HERE.
- March 29, 2012
Fish Tank have announced the opening of FISH TANK WEB, a new website for all Fish Tankers current and future, including those who live overseas. Sadly the opening of the website has now been postponed, but in the meantime you can read about it in our News section below.
As announced by Fish Tank, the ticket pre-sale for the upcoming summer concerts will be held from March 21st to April 9th (local time)!
- March 26, 2012
A correction has been made to the Pia ticket information! You can read it HERE.
- March 24, 2012
Hi everyone! We've just added a guide to buying concert tickets through Pia for Fish Tank members. Obviously we couldn't do a walkthrough of the process without buying tickets, but we've gathered as much information as possible. We hope you'll find it helpful!
You'll find the information HERE in the Fish Tank Overseas section.
- March 11, 2012
Never Forgotten. We send all of our love to Japan.~Lola & w_b
- March 7, 2012
We would like to wish a very Happy Birthday to Buck-Tick's Sakurai Atsushi! We wish him nothing but the best in the coming year!
We have also added a 1995 interview with hide (X-Japan) and Kyo (Die In Cries, ex-Saver Tiger). You can read it HERE!
- February 15, 2012
We've just added Yagami Toll's corner and Hoshino Hidehiko's Tarot reading from Fish Tank 62. You can read them HERE. Enjoy!
- February 1, 2012
We're updating today with the other four members' interviews from Fish Tank 62! They're all over HERE.
- January 24, 2012
We'd like to wish a wonderfully Happy Birthday to BT's bassist, Higuchi Yutaka!
Today we've added Yuuta's corner from Fish Tank 57, as well as both his interviews from Fish Tanks 61 and 62. You can read them all HERE!
- January 13, 2012
A slightly belated Happy New Year to everyone!
We have a few new items today:
* Imai Hisashi and Yagami Toll interviews from Fish Tank 61, HERE.
* A new page in the FT Overseas section: how to submit Q&A questions to FT and how to participate in the members' corners, HERE.
* A few extra tidbits of information about the BT Webshop that a kind fan sent us. You'll find them HERE, marked as new on the page.
* Very important news for overseas FT members concerning concert tickets, HERE.Thank you all for visiting!
- December 23, 2011
Today we've added a translation from Buck-Tick Club #26, the magazine that pre-dated Fish Tank. A two week diary of Schaft's recording in London, which you can read HERE!
Happy, wonderful Holidays, everyone~! <3
- December 15, 2011
Hi! We've added the Spanish version of the most recent Nico Nico information: the time shift reservation and scrolling comments. You'll find the new information HERE, under points #4 and #5. - December 13, 2011
Hello again~
And as the date demands it, we've added a tiny amusing blurb from an old interview with hide. Right HERE!
We've added some important information to the DIQ Nico Nico page. Mainly, what is and how to use the time shift registration. And how to stop other people's comments from scrolling across your screen while you're watching! You'll find the new information HERE, just scroll down to points #4 and #5. Only English for now, we'll try to get the Spanish up as soon as possible. - December 11, 2011
We've added a Spanish version of the information concerning the live streaming of Day In Question 2011! It's right beneath the English version HERE. Many thanks to Tania for the translation! - December 10, 2011
Hi! We have a double update today.
First of all, this year's Day In Question concert on December 29th will be streamed live on Niconico Video! You can find more information HERE, including some basic information about the Niconico website.
We've also added Fish Tank 61 interviews with Hoshino Hidehiko and Sakurai Atsushi. You can read them HERE! - November 27, 2011
Hello~ Today we've added Toll's corner from Fish Tank 60. You can read it HERE! - November 15, 2011
Hi everyone! Today we're updating with the new Tarot divination corner from Fish Tank 61. Come see HERE what Higuchi Yutaka's future holds in store! - November 8, 2011
Hi, Lola and w_b here.
For those of you who want to share our site content, we would like to kindly request that you do not repost interviews in their entirety. Please provide a link instead. On the other hand, we're always happy to see interviews translated into different languages!
If you would like to repost lyrics go ahead, just provide translator credit and a link back to the site.
Above all, a huge thank you to everyone for visiting the site and we do hope you understand. <3 - November 3, 2011
Hey everyone!
We're updating with a new chapter from Hiroshi Matsumoto's book, Kyoudai. You can read it HERE in the hide section. - October 24, 2011
Hi! Today's update is in the English section of Fish Tank Overseas.
First, information about Fish Tank's new email newsletter, available since May 2011. How to subscribe or unsubscribe, or change the email you receive the newsletter at.
And next, FAQ and a walkthrough for those who would like to shop at the new BUCK-TICK store! Open to FT members and non-members alike!You'll find both updates right HERE!
- September 26, 2011
Hello everyone!
After a long, hot and miserably muggy summer we're finally back at our computers. Which of course means a return to translation! Here are today's updates:* Fish Tank 59: Yagami Toll and Higuchi Yutaka interviews, posted HERE.
* Fish Tank 60: all five member interviews, posted HERE.
* Fish Tank 60: a new corner has replaced the quizzes. The Divination Palace! Sakurai Atsushi has his fortune read from Tarot cards HERE.
* Side Projects: a translation of Omae no inu ni naru, BUCK-TICK's cover of Michirou Endo's cover of an Iggy Pop song! Posted HERE.
* Plastic Tree: a translation of their song Melt, posted HERE.We've also made two small changes to the site. One, romaji has been added to all the Japanese song titles. Two, right beneath the Updates section on this page we've added a section for any Fish Tank/BT news or announcements we might translate. Just to keep everything neat and organized. :)
We hope you enjoy the new translations!
- June 17, 2011
A slightly belated Happy Birthday to Hoshino Hidehiko!
We have a small update today: we've uploaded the translation of Kuriyama Chiaki's Shinkai, a song with the music of Hoshino Hidehiko and lyrics written by Sakurai Atsushi. You'll find it in the Side Projects section, right HERE! - May 27, 2011
Hello~! Today we update with three interviews from FISH TANK 59: Sakurai Atsushi, Hoshino Hidehiko and Imai Hisashi. You can read them HERE!
We've also taken down the Fish Tank News and Mailorder sections in FT Overseas. According to FT's newest email, the new email magazine system is already in place and all those of you who registered before April 24 have been automatically signed up. We'll bring you updates as soon as FT explain how to sign up for the new email magazine.Also according to the same email, the new FT store will open on June 1, 2011. We'll add instructions to our site as soon as we can!
- May 11, 2011
Something for the hide fans: another chapter from Hiroshi Matsumoto's Kyoudai. Read it right HERE! - April 27, 2011
Hello again! We have a double update today. First, a message from FISH TANK concerning ticket refunds for overseas fans. If you can't make the rescheduled shows and wish to get your ticket refunded, follow the process outlined HERE.
Next, we're updating with the last quiz corner ever! Yup, the quizzes in FT59 are the last ones! But don't worry, FISH TANK are already preparing a new corner to replace them. :)
You can read them HERE! - April 23, 2011
We're updating with Imai's Corner from FT59, featuring an interview with Imai Hisashi and Yokoyama Kazutoshi. You can read it HERE! - April 12, 2011
Hello~. We have updated with three tidbits from FISH TANK 59. Messages from the Buck-Tick members, a contest, and a call for pictures for Uta's new corner. You can take a look at them right HERE.
Also, note that on May 20th FT will open a new email magazine service! All FT members who are already registered with FT News or who will register before April 24th should be automatically registered for the new service. - April 4, 2011
Yet another important message from the BUCK-TICK website: the postponed tour dates have been rescheduled for November and December of this year. You can read the message HERE.
Several refund options are offered for fans who cannot make the new show dates, but none of these options seem to apply to overseas fans. Should you however need one of the options translated, just let us know. - April 1, 2011
An important message from the official BUCK-TICK website: the company hosting the [LOVE&MEDIA ON-LINE SHOP] is closing its doors on April 30th and FISH TANK have decided to hold a liquidation sale! A new store is in preparation and will be opened on May 1st. You can read the full message HERE. - March 31, 2011
Hello~ Today we'd like to update with an interview both of us at Nopperabou had wanted to do for years! It's the August 1990 Rockin' on Japan interview with hide (X-Japan) and Imai Hisashi (Buck-Tick). You can read it HERE!
A note to all FISH TANKers: the Fish Tank magazine is being sent out on April 1st, a week later than it was originally planned. Your FTs should be on their way very soon. - March 14, 2011
There has been an announcement made concerning the remaining dates for the "Utakata no RAZZLE DAZZLE" and "FISH TANKer's ONLY" tours, as well as messages from the Buck-Tick members. Please read them HERE.
Our heart goes out to everyone affected by the disaster. - March 8, 2010
We're a day late but a very Wonderful Birthday to Sakurai Atsushi!
We're also updating with Sakurai Atsushi's interview from the November 2010 Ongaku to hito magazine. Come read it HERE!
Hopefully all the postcards and photos have reached their destinations by now - we hope you like them! :) - February 27, 2011
Come read a chapter from Hiroshi Matsumoto's book Kyoudai, in which Hiroshi punches his older brother and runs away. It's all right HERE! - February 9, 2011
Hello everyone! Today we're updating with Sakurai Atsushi's interview from Fish Tank 57.
You can read it HERE!
The BT postcards and hide photos are all on their way! We hope you like them. :)And of course, late though we might be, a very Happy Birthday to the wonderful Higuchi Yutaka!
- January 20, 2011
We want to thank everyone for visiting the site! :) Thank you for all the encouragement, guys!
As a gift to our visitors we're giving away Buck-Tick postcards that came with the limited edition of the Tenshi no Revolver DVD, and two hide (X-Japan) photos. Email us saying which photo you would like and the first person to email for each member (the first two people to write in for hide) will get the postcard/photo. One postcard per person please. You can reach us at w_b@nopperabou.net.We'll cross out the names as the cards are claimed. :)
All the cards have been claimed! :)
Sakurai- Dari J
Imai- Anarien
Hide- Elena
Uta- Irina
Toll- Anya
hide (from X-Japan) x2- #1: Hapik #2: InsomuniaOnce again, thank you!
- January 19, 2011
We're updating with the interviews from Fish Tank 58. Come read them HERE! - January 8, 2011
Hello! I hope everyone had a fabulous New Year!
There are two contests listed in the most recent Fish Tank 58. For those who'd be interested in participating, the translated information is right HERE and will remain up until the contest deadline. - December 29, 2010
We might still be two days away, but we'd like to wish everyone a Happy New Year!
Just a tiny update this time: Quiz #1 from Fish Tank 48. Enjoy it HERE! - December 25, 2010
First of all, a Merry Christmas to all those of you who are celebrating! And we hope everyone else is having a splendid time as well!
We're updating today with Uta's corner from Fish Tank 56. You can read it HERE! - December 13, 2010
We've put up Toll corners from Fish Tanks 55 and 56! Right this WAY.The following is an announcement from Fish Tank concerning the 2011 FISH TANKer's ONLY shows! Read on if you're planning to go!
2011 marks the 15th anniversary of Fish Tank.
We'd like to make the 2011 FISH TANKer's ONLY shows even more fun for all of you. So let us tell you today about the 15th anniversary Fan Club Only shows!!!*Group photos with the members & gift photos!!!
The day of each Fan Club show, we will take group shots of everyone in the audience with the BT members in the back.
All those who bought Fan Club Only tickets will later receive those photos as gifts!*Tour 2010 go on the "RAZZLE DAZZLE" photo exhibit
In the venue lobby there will be a photo exhibit from the Hall Tour and the Budoukan live.
Sign up for the raffle and run the chance of winning a panel from the photo exhibit!*A digest screening of the Budoukan Live Video
While you wait for the concert venues to open, we will be screening a digest version of the live video from the December 29th, 2010 Budoukan show.*A gift of commemorative tickets!
All those of you who have bought tickets will receive special commemorative tickets along with the regular ones!!!*Special Goods Sale
We are preparing special limited goods to be sold at each FISH TANKer's ONLY 2011 show venue!*A Special Set List!
Each member is thinking of a song to play especially for the FISH TANKer's ONLY shows.
Look forward to being surprised by their choice!!!Everyone should participate!!! We're waiting for you.
- November 30, 2010
Today we're updating with the following songs, all of them in the Other section.
Plastic Tree: bloom and Shiroi ashiato.
hide: LEATHER FACE, ever free, Breeding and PINK CLOUD ASSEMBLY.
Have a fun read! - November 14, 2010
We've just uploaded [RAZZLE DAZZLE] liner notes, from the Ongaku to hito - PHY magazine. See what the BT members have to say about each song!
You can read it all HERE. - November 8, 2010
Today's update is in the hide section: a funny chapter from Hiroshi Matsumoto's book, Kyoudai. Read about Hiroshi's adventure with his brother's beloved Jaguar, right this WAY!
- October 21, 2010
A Happy Birthday to Imai Hisashi!
For your pleasure and enjoyment, we bring you today the translation of the newest Buck-Tick album, 'RAZZLE DAZZLE'! Fourteen songs, which can all be found right HERE!
Have a fun read~ - October 9, 2010
Today we complete Fish Tank 56! The interviews with Imai Hisashi, Hoshino Hidehiko and Higuchi Yutaka are now up. Read them right HERE. - September 27, 2010
Have fun reading the quizzes from Fish Tank 57. They're up over HERE!
And remember, the Concert Ticket Pre-order period has already begun for those overseas FT members who chose to use the old method of emailing Fish Tank. If you want to pre-order tickets for the December Bodoukan show, the FT Only lives or the Standing Tour, your deadlines are as follows:
* You must email Fish Tank by October 12
* They must receive your payment by October 26You'll find a more detailed guide for ordering tickets in the Fish Tank Overseas section. Have fun and good luck!
- September 19, 2010
We're updating today with Sakurai Atsushi's interview from Fish Tank 56! It's up in the FT section right HERE! - September 4, 2010
We update today with the translation of Buck-Tick's newest single, 'Kuchizuke'!
You can read it HERE. - August 19, 2010
A Very Happy Birthday to Yagami Toll!
To celebrate, we've added Toll's interview from Fish Tank 56. Go read it HERE! - August 10, 2010
We were lucky to come across a 1994 Ongaku to Hito containing an interview with the master himself, Imawano Kiyoshiro! You can peek at it HERE. - July 25, 2010
Today we've completed the Fish Tank Overseas: Ticket Pre-order section by updating the Spanish page. We've also added a short text written by hide about his LEMONed label! Check it out right HERE. - July 12, 2010
Hello everyone! The quizzes from Fish Tank 56 are up right HERE. We've also updated the English and French Ticket Pre-order pages in Fish Tank Overseas.
Switching topics for a moment, both of us at Nopperabou have the following request. If you are planning on reposting our translations, be it songs or interviews, in their entirety, please send us an email to let us know where our work is going to be posted. We'd appreciate it greatly. :) - July 3rd, 2010
Fish Tank members can now pre-order tickets for Buck-Tick's upcoming autumn tour! We have received new information concerning ticket pre-orders. Here is a quick overview: your Fish Tank magazine has the full details.
Overseas Fish Tank members can now order tour tickets in one of the following 2 ways:
If you are unable to browse websites in Japanese, you can order tickets using the old method. Refer to your Fish Tank magazine p.20 for the tour schedule.
* Every member is allowed 4 tickets/concert with the exception of the Shibuya C.C. Lemon Hall shows, October 27 and 28. The limit for those is 2 tickets per person.
* When calculating the total for your tickets: you will need to add a 700yen fee, as indicated on your printout. The fee is on a PER CONCERT basis (and not per ticket). If you buy 2 tickets for the same show, you pay the fee ONLY ONCE.Here we detail the ordering process: ENGLISH SPANISH FRENCH
NEW PRE-ORDER METHODIf you are able to browse websites in Japanese and are able to pay with one of the accepted credit cards, you can order tickets online through the Pia website. Pages 19-24 in your Fish Tank magazine detail the ordering process.
To order tickets online, you will need THE 4-DIGIT CODE that came printed on your Fish Tank envelope. Do not throw the envelope out or lose the code!!!
* The ordering period is July 3 to July 13.
* The following credit cards are accepted: Pia, JCB, NICOS, MASTER, VISA, Diners, AEON, UFJ, and UC.
* Do not place the same order using both methods. In the event of a double order, the order made online will remain valid while the one made using the old method will be cancelled.
* If you do not get tickets, your credit card will be refunded.
* If you order tickets online, you will have to pick them up at the concert venue, the day of the concert itself. Please bring your Fish Tank member's card and your passport.We wish you all good luck!
NUEVO MÉTODO DE PRE-COMPRASi puedes entrar a páginas en japonés y puedes pagar con las tarjetas de crédito aceptadas, puedes ordenar boletos en línea a través del sito Pia. Ñas páginas 19-24 de tu revista Fish tank explican en detalle el proceso.
Para ordenar boletos en línea, necesitarás el código de 4 dígitos impreso en el sobre de tu última Fish Tank. No tires el empaque o tu código se perderá!
* El periodo de compra es del 3 de Julio al 13 de Julio
* Las siguientes tarjetas de crédito son aceptadas: Pia, JCB, NICOS, MASTER, VISA, Diners, AEON, UFJ y UC.
* No realices el mismo pedido usando los dos métodos. En casi de orden doble, la orden hecha en línea seguirá vigente, mientras que la hecha con el método antiguo será cancelada.
* Si no obtienes los boletos, recibirás el reembolso a tu tarjeta de crédito.
* Si ordenas los boletos en línea, tendrás que recogerlos en la sede del concierto, el mismo día del concierto. Por favor recuerda llevar tu credencial de Fish Tanker y tu pasaporte.Buena suerte!
- June 17, 2010
Today's update is in the Other section: an excerpt from a 1990 magazine in which hide talks about his top ten albums! You'll find it right HERE.
And of course, a Happy Belated Birthday to Hoshino Hidehiko of Buck-Tick! - May 31, 2010
Uta's corner from Fish Tank 55 is up! You can read it over HERE. - May 15, 2010
Thanks to a kind friend who provided scans of the lyrics, we update today with the translation of Masami Tsuchiya's album Mori no hito. Featuring two songs by Sakurai Atsushi: A Midsummer Night Forest and Goblin Forest.
You can read the lyrics HERE! - May 13, 2010
You can read the translation of the April 2010 BRIDGE interview with Sakurai Atsushi and Imai Hisashi, right HERE.
Enjoy~! - April 29, 2010
We're updating with the member's interviews from Fish Tank 55!
The five of them are right HERE~ - April 12, 2010
The Fish Tank 55 quizzes are up! Check them out HERE! - April 1st, 2010
We bring you the translation of Buck-Tick's newest single, Dokudanjou Beauty!
Enjoy it in the singles section HERE! - March 25, 2010
We update with Sakurai Atsushi's interview from the April edition of Ongaku to Hito!
You'll find it right HERE~ - March 22, 2010
Just a tiny update. We've been asked a few times over the past year whether we had a mailing list for the site's updates, or anything of the sort. So~ we've decided on Twitter since it seemed the easiest. If you'd like to receive tweets of our site updates, you can follow us here: twitter.com/nopperabounet - March 7, 2010
A very Happy Birthday to Sakurai Atsushi~!
To celebrate, we bring you an interview of his from the August 2003 issue of Ongaku to Hito.
Read it right HERE! - February 27, 2010
New section up with a few songs from The Roosters' first album.
Right HERE! - February 19,2010
The Fish Tank Overseas section has been updated with the Spanish version of Fish Tank Shopping Online: Compra en línea de artículos de Fish Tank.
We hope you find the information helpful and have fun ordering~!
You'll find the step by step guide HERE. - February 6, 2010
We complete Fish Tank 54 with Toll's corner. Read it HERE~ - January 23, 2010
We're still a day in advance in some parts of the world, but Happy Birthday to our bassist Higuchi Yutaka!
To celebrate, HERE is U-ta's corner from Fish Tank 54. Have a fun read~! - January 13, 2010
The quizzes from Fish Tank 54 are up! Read them HERE. - January 9, 2010
The Fish Tank 54 interview with all five members of Buck-Tick is up!
Have fun reading HERE~ - January 7, 2010
Great news from Fish Tank! Along with our issue of FT54 we received an announcement that starting immediately, overseas Fish Tank members are allowed to use their credit cards on the Fish Tank Shopping website http://www.item-navi.jp/ft/main! No more sending cash, all those Tshirts, calendars and pamphlets are now only a click away~
We tried to prepare the information as quickly as possible so for now it's only available in English. But you can read the new guide to ordering online right HERE, in the FT Overseas section.
Happy shopping and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to email us! - December 30, 2009
Happy New Year, everyone! Have fun partying!
We'll end the year with something fun: a Q&A with hide, from the February 1994 volume of Rock It!
This WAY please~ - December 15, 2009
We have two Fish Tank quizzes for you to read, one from FT 45 and one from FT 48. You'll find them right HERE. Enjoy~ - December 5, 2009
Three new Plastic Tree songs have been added~! [Gessekai], Last Waltz and Chiba-shi, Wakaba-ku, Roku ji han. Right this WAY~ - November 18, 2009
Hello~ Today's update is tiny: two quizzes from Fish Tank 44! See what their writing says about the members of Buck-Tick. Right this WAY~ - November 3, 2009
Thank you everyone for 20,000 hits! ♥
Today we complete Fish Tank 53 with a translation of Uta's corner in which he talks about Kurutta Taiyou and darker than darkness. You'll find the interview HERE~ - October 31, 2009
A fun Halloween to you all!
We have a bit of a special treat for everyone. A translation of the exclusive, limited 'EXPLOSION' single from Sakurai Atsushi's 2004 solo works. It's right HERE! - October 23, 2009
A message from Sakurai Atsushi:
I greatly appreciate everyone's donations and kind understanding. Thanks to the help provided by these donations, I have decided it would be best to use those received from when I first made the announcement until the recent Zepp Tokyo show. Thank you so much, I am truly grateful.-Sakurai Atsushi, October 14 2009
- October 21, 2009
A very Happy Birthday to the original, the one and only Imai Hisashi~!
To celebrate, we're posting an Imai Hisashi interview from the August 2005 issue of Ongaku to Hito. This WAY please~ - October 17, 2009
Today we've updated with the five member's interviews from Fish Tank 53! Have fun reading them, they're right this WAY. - October 8, 2009
The quizzes from Fish Tank 53 are up right over HERE in the FT section~
We have also added some new information to Fish Tank Overseas: how to advise Fish Tank of a change of address. On top of that, we've made the necessary changes to the Mailorder section and added an important notice under Where to send fanmail and gifts. The changes have been made in all three languages. Please enjoy~ - September 29, 2009
Have fun reading the liner notes for Tenshi no Revolver! Right this WAY.
We haven't updated the information section yet, but we'd like to point out that for the current Fish Tank issue #53, FT members are allowed to buy merchandise from the http://www.item-navi.jp/ft/main website! The mail order method remains exactly the same as before but we're given a much wider choice! Make sure to check the availability of the items you want to order. :)Also, the Day in Question song vote is open until November 3rd! This year Fish Tank members are invited to vote for 3 songs they would like to see performed at the Day in Question concert in Tokyo! All you need to do is send in the following:
* [Album title 1], [Album title 2], [Album title 3]
* [Song name 1], [Song name 2], [Song name 3]
* A short note explaining why you chose the songs or a particular memory you have of each song
* Your Fish Tank member's number
* Your name
* Your nickname, if you have one you'd like to useSend an email titled "FT53 [BEST 10] kakari" to bt@buck-tick.com, or send a letter to:
Fish Tank
FT53 [BEST 10] kakari
1-11-12-302 Sendagaya
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
151-0051 JAPAN - September 20, 2009
The following message was posted on the Buck-Tick website but a few days ago.
With everyone's help I would like to donate part of the proceeds of the [I LOVE B-T] goods that I designed (for the memento mori -REBIRTH- & FISH TANKer's ONLY 2009 tours) to charity so, I will keep you posted about it...Sakurai Atsushi
Let's support a good cause!
- September 13, 2009
We're adding something fun for all hide fans! Translations of the Special Phantom Cards, trading cards that came with the Ja.zoo album and all of its singles. Right this WAY~ - August 26, 2009
We've added memento mori liner notes from the March 2009 CD Data. Have a look HERE, you'll find the notes at the end of each song. Enjoy~! - August 19, 2009
Happy Birthday Aniki!
In celebration we're posting Toll Corners from Fish Tanks 44, 45, 47 and 48. Have a look at the music that makes Yagami Toll! It's all right HERE. - August 13, 2009
We've added a 1995 The Guitar Heroes interview with hide! Have a look, it's this WAY. - July 24, 2009
A great Thank You goes out to Miss Uchihakagura1 for the Spanish version of Fish Tank Overseas! So for those of you who would prefer the information in Spanish, you'll find it HERE. - July 21, 2009
We complete Fish Tank 52 with a translation of the quizzes. You'll find them HERE~! - July 9, 2009
Hello~ Today we have added translations from Fish Tank 52: the Geography Pop Quiz as well as the five members' interviews!
Have fun reading it all HERE! - June 27, 2009
Today we have a double update. First, an interview with Sakurai Atsushi from the July issue of Fool's Mate is right HERE~!
We've also reworked the Fish Tank Overseas section. It has not only been moved to the nopperabou.net domain but the information has been rewritten in a hopefully clearer format. Currently the English and French versions are up and we're hoping to add more languages. The Spanish version can still be found at the old address, http://www.freewebs.com/goclick.
Of course if you have information to add to ours, we'd be glad to hear about it~ - June 23, 2009
Today we've posted an older interview with hide, taken from the December 1993 issue of Ongaku to Hito. It's right HERE in the hide section~
On a slightly different note, don't worry should you come across some broken links or be unable to access pages in the next few days. We're doing some work on the site but no page should be down for longer than a half hour. - June 17th, 2009
We continue our celebrations today with hide's Hide Your Face album~!
Right this WAY, ladies and gentlemen! - June 16, 2009
Happy Birthday Hoshino-san~!
In celebration, we bring you a Hoshino Hidehiko mini-interview from a 1994 Ongaku to Hito.
Right this WAY~ - June 10, 2009
This is a new announcement made on the Buck-Tick OHP on June 8th, 2009.
To Our FansWe are terribly sorry to announce that due to previous incidents, from now on we will not be able to accept any gifts or letters you might bring for the members to any of our concert locations.
Furthermore, please understand that neither the manager nor the staff will be able to accept any of your deliveries.In order for the members to receive your gifts and letters, please send them directly to Fish Tank. We will make certain that they are delivered to the band member in question himself.
Fish Tank (Member's Name)
1-11-12-302 Sendagaya
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
151-0051 JAPANWe ask for your cooperation in order to insure the members' personal safety as well as our speedy departure from the concert halls.
At the same time, we ask you to please be considerate to other fans throughout the tour. - June 6, 2009
Welcome to June~!
Today we've added an interview with hide and J, from the May 1998 edition of UV. Right this WAY~!
- May 28, 2009
First off, we'd like to thank you for 10,000 hits!!!
Today we complete Fish Tank 51 with the translations of Toll and U-ta's corners, posted right HERE.
Enjoy~! - May 25, 2009
Today we've opened a section with songs from the great Imawano Kiyoshiro. Right this WAY~!
We've also changed our contact email to w_b@nopperabou.net. You're welcome to write to us, we don't bite...very hard. ;-) - May 1st, 2009
The interviews from Fish Tank 51 are up, in celebration of spring~!
You'll find them right HERE. - April 16, 2009
Finally, the quizzes from Fish Tank 51 are up!! They're right HERE.
We've also put up two banners, right here at the bottom of the index page. Feel free to take them if you'd like to link to us~ - April 1st, 2009
With the tour about to start, have a peek at the March 2009 Bridge interview about the 'memento mori' album. Featuring Sakurai Atsushi and Imai Hisashi~
You'll find it right HERE. - March 22, 2009
Have fun reading Quizzes 2 and 3 from Fish Tank #46!
You'll find them right HERE. - March 14, 2009
Today we bring you Toll and Uta's corners from Fish Tank #50!
You can read them right HERE~ - March 7, 2009
A Happy Birthday to our beloved singer and poet~!!
We have for you today an interview with Sakurai Atsushi from the March 2009 issue of the DaVinci magazine. You can read about his book recommendation HERE~! - February 25, 2009
Today we present you with the impatiently awaited lyric translations to the one, the only, the memento mori album!!
You'll find the new album page HERE! Please enjoy~ - February 17, 2009
With the album on its way, here's a little something to tide you all over. The interviews from the March Ongaku to Hito, featuring Sakurai Atsushi and Imai Hisashi!
You'll find the interviews HERE~ - February 10, 2009
More from FT #50! Enjoy the new installment of Imai's diary HERE! - January 28, 2009
Today we have added the member interviews from the most recent Fish Tank issue, FT #50. You can find them all HERE! - January 27, 2009
A tiny update today in the Fish Tank section. Quizzes number 1 and 3 from the FT #47 have been added HERE. Enjoy! - January 16, 2009
I hope everyone is enjoying the new single, GALAXY?
You'll find the translation right HERE! - January 7, 2009
We start the year off with translations from Fish Tank 50!!
This first FT update features quizzes from the FT 50 and a translation of Buck-Tick's comments about the designs chosen during the Costume Contest.
All found HERE! - December 30, 2008
Today's update is in the Other section. You'll find four songs that hide wrote while in X-Japan, right HERE.
With the new Buck-Tick tour on the horizon, FT members can find step by step help with buying tour tickets and mail order goods on the Fish Tank Overseas site.
Happy New Year!! - December 23, 2008
The translation of Buck-Tick's new single HEAVEN is up HERE! - December 18, 2008
Sakurai Atsushi interview from the January 2009 edition of Ongaku to Hito is now up!
Translation HERE. - December 3, 2008
We're up! Look around and tell us if you see any bugs or broken links.